
Postpaid Market share in Brazil: Oi loses the leadership in region I; Claro loses in São Paulo


Brazil closed the first quarter of 2010 counting 31.4 million postpaid mobile accesses. This market is bigger than the Australian and Canadian markets (22 millions) or Portuguese market (16 millions).


Unlike what happened in 2009, in 1Q10 postpaid showed raise (3.4%) what was bigger than in prepaid (2.9%). This growth was promoted by the economy recovery after the crisis and the growth in the use of 3G modems for mobile broadband.


Vivo is the leader in postpaid market share in Brazil, with a quarter of the Brazilian cellulars.



Source: Anatel


Vivo's revenue focused in amplifying market share (more details) seems to be also affecting in postpaid. In 1Q10, Vivo gained market share in postpaid increasing the distance which separates the company from Claro (in the second position). Claro, Tim and Oi lost market share.


The situation isn't different if we consider the Brazilian regions.


In region I, Vivo overtook Oi and reached the leadership in postpaid market share in 1Q10.




Region I

43.7% of the Brazilian postpaid mobile accesses



In the same way, Vivo surpassed Claro in São Paulo (region III) and reached the leadership in postpaid market share in 1Q10.



Region III

29.1% of the Brazilian postpaid mobile accesses




In the region II, where Vivo was already the leader, the company amplified its leadership in postpaid market share, while the other carriers lost.




Region II

27.2% of the Brazilian postpaid mobile accesses



Postpaid presents higher ARPU, if compared with prepaid, and has lower churn, even considering that part of the postpaid mobile accesses are linked to control plans. Postpaid has also the majority of corporative plans. The acquisition cost in postpaid, however, is still higher than prepaid.


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