Which operators are cellular leaders inside the 12 cities hosting the World Cup?
The World Cup of 2014 will bring a great temporary growth in traffic inside the 12 cities that wil host the championship. Stadiums and Fan fest will gather a big number of local supporters and tourists from Brazil and abroad.
Cellular operators must to prepare themselves for this period increasing their capacities in voice and data traffic, mainly in the places of great concentration.
In March/2012, Vivo was the market share leader in 5 from the 12 cities hosting the event, Oi leads in 3. TIM and Claro lead in 2.
Cellular leaders inside the 12 cities hosting the World Cup (March 2012)
Area Code | State | Main City | Cellulars | Density | Leaders |
11 | SP | São Paulo | 28,939 | 134.4 | Vivo |
21 | RJ | Rio de Janeiro* | 14,552 | 118.2 | Claro |
31 | MG | Belo Horizonte* | 8,989 | 128.8 | Vivo |
41 | PR | Curitiba | 4,376 | 125.9 | TIM |
51 | RS | Porto Alegre | 6,945 | 126.9 | Vivo |
61 | DF | Brasília* | 5,237 | 153.6 | Claro |
65 | MT | Cuiabá | 1,998 | 120.5 | Vivo |
71 | BA | Salvador* | 5,667 | 164.8 | Oi |
81 | PE | Recife* | 7,998 | 121.0 | Oi |
84 | RN | Natal | 3,372 | 104.2 | TIM |
85 | CE | Fortaleza* | 5,202 | 120.3 | Oi |
92 | AM | Manaus | 3,095 | 123.5 | Vivo |
*Cities that will host Confederations Coup in 2013. Recife and Salvador need to accomplish the requirements until June/2012 to be confirmed in the tournament.
This leaders board can be modified until 2014 in at least 5 area codes where the competition is stronger: São Paulo (11), Belo Horizonte (31), Salvador (71), Recife (81) and Natal (84). Note that Vivo and Tim are leaders in the area codes in which they were the first carriers to operate (Band A).
The following presents the competition for market share inside this 12 area codes where are placed the cities that will host the World Cup. The informations are part of the survey "Painel Teleco" which keeps track of cellular operators' market share in 67 area codes in which Brazil is divided.
1) São Paulo (area 11) Vivo is the leader but can be overtaken by TIM
Vivo has its leadership in São Paulo threatened by TIM, which led net adds in 1Q12 and reduced the distance from Vivo to 64 thousand cellulars. TIM overtook Vivo in prepaid in Dec/11.
Claro and Oi are losing market share inside area code 11.
2) Rio de Janeiro (area 21): Claro leads
Claro leads total and prepaid cellular market share comfortably. In postpaid the companies competes fiercely with Vivo.
3) Belo Horizonte (area 31): Vivo leads and amplifies the advantage over Oi
Vivo consolidated itself in the leadership, but TIM is the one leading in net adds. TIM can reach the 2nd position in 2012 and start to fight for the leadership.
4) Curitiba (area 41): TIM is the absolute leader
TIM is absolute lader in Curitiba and is amplifing its market share (47.3% in 1Q12).
5) Porto Alegre (area 51): Vivo leads
Vivo leads confortably inside Porto Alegre area code, having Claro in the second position. Oi and TIM compete for the 3rd position.
6) Brasilia (area 61): Claro leads
Claro leads in Brasília. TIM, Vivo and Oi compete for the 2nd position.
7) Cuiabá (area 65 ): Vivo leads
Vivo leads in Cuiabá area code. Claro comes second. Oi and TIM compete for the 3rd position.
8) Salvador (area 71): Oi leads but can be overtaken by Claro
Oi and Claro compete for the leadership in Salvador, area code holding the biggest density of the country (164.8 cell./100 inhab.).
9) Recife (area 81): Oi leads
Oi leads while Claro and TIM compete for the second position.
10) Natal (area 84): TIM leads but can lose the leadership for Claro or Oi
TIM, Claro and Oi compete for the leadership in market share, but Vivo is the leader in net adds.
11) Fortaleza (area 85): Oi leads
Oi is the absolute leader by holding market share of 48.5% in 1Q12.
12) Manaus (area 92): Vivo leads
Vivo is the leader and amplified its market share to 61.6% in 1Q12.
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