
Who wast the best in July?


The best in July's net adds (thousand)



The month of July showed signs of a resumption of growth in the sector, with cell phones showing positive growth again, with Claro having better performance in postpaid and Vivo in prepaid. The competitive ones led the growth in Fixed Broadband, SKY in Pay TV and Algar in fixed telephony.



Mobile Telephony


Claro led in postpaid net adds in July (563 thousand), both in M2M (+171 thousand) and in post without M2M (+392 thousand). Vivo followed, with net adds of 220 thousand postpaid.



Postpaid net adds in July (thousand)



Algar was third in postpaid net adds (48 thousand), followed by Oi (45 thousand) and TIM (14 thousand).


Vivo showed strong growth in prepaid (+403 thousand) consolidating itself as the leader in this segment with an advantage of 1.1 million prepaid in relation to TIM.



Prepaid net adds in July (thousand)



Oi, TIM and Claro presented prepaid negative net adds in July.



Fixed Broadband



Fixed broadband net adds in July (thousand)



The competitive ones led the growth of fixed broadband in July with net additions of 86 thousand accesses in July. Net additions would have been greater if all operators that reported accesses in June had also done so in July. INB, for example, had 66,5 thousand accesses in June, but failed to report its accesses in July. INB was recently acquired by Vero.


Competitive companies also led net adds of fiber accesses (+253 thousand), followed by Oi (154 thousand), Vivo (96 thousand) and Claro (19 thousand).


Also noteworthy is Oi's performance, which managed for the first time to overcome losses with xDSL accesses (-135 thousand) with the growth of its fiber accesses (+154 thousand), once again showing growth in its fixed broadband base. (+19 thousand). Vivo, with losses of 156 thousand xDSL accesses in the month, continued to lose fixed broadband accesses (-59 thousand).



Pay TV


Pay TV lost 18 thousand subscribers in July, less than in the same month of 2019 (-137 thousand). SKY and Oi, that offer these services via satellite (DTH) led this growth.



Pay TV net adds in July (thousand)



Fixed Telephony


The fixed telephone base in Brazil continued to shrink in July (-276 thousand), more than in the same month of 2019 (-232 thousand). Despite this scenario, Algar still managed to show positive growth in this segment (+ 3 thousand).



Fixed telephones net adds in July (thousand)



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